Don’t know what to expect from HRT? Our providers are here to go over the details of receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy, including downtime, duration, and onset of various hormone delivery methods such as injections, pellets, pills and creams.
Now you might be wondering, how long is this gonna take to work? How long is it gonna last? And do you have any downtime? Downtime is minimal with most HRT methods. Even with injections and pellets, you can typically return to daily activities immediately. With creams and oral options like pills and capsules, there’s no downtime at all, and you can do these conveniently in your home. Onset of effects may vary depending upon delivery method and the individual’s response. However, it may take a few months for your body to fully balance out to where you really receive the full benefits of these hormones. As for the longevity of the effects, it really depends on what method you choose. Pellets, for example, are gonna slowly release those hormones over the course of several weeks, which is gonna provide you with maintenance levels of hormones, which is easy and convenient. Injections being administered once or twice a week, and then pills and creams, which are taken daily are gonna take a little bit longer for those hormone levels to build up. Overall, HRT is designed to provide sustained relief and improve your overall quality of life. We will work closely with you in order to adjust your treatment plan to ensure that we are providing you with quality treatment for as long as possible.
The post What are the expected results of HRT? first appeared on Rejuvime Medical.